


出典:2022年10月27日付日本経済新聞電子版 会計修正時の役員報酬返還、米上場基準に SECが新規則: 日本経済新聞 (nikkei.com)

SECのプレスリリースによると、①米国に上場する外国企業にも適用される、②修正を求められた場合は不正か誤謬かにかかわらず適用されるとのことです。出典:2022年10月26日付Press Release by SEC SEC.gov | SEC Adopts Compensation Recovery Listing Standards and Disclosure Rules 

The Securities and Exchange Commission today adopted rules to require securities exchanges to adopt listing standards that require issuers to develop and implement a policy providing for the recovery of erroneously awarded incentive-based compensation received by current or former executive officers. The final rules require a listed issuer to file the policy as an exhibit to its annual report and to include disclosures related to its recovery policy and recovery analysis where a recovery is triggered. 
